Intrepid Wisdom Podcast
Intrepid Wisdom Podcast
S02E01 - Welcome to Season II of Intrepid Wisdom w Deborah J
Welcome back Intrepid Wisdom Fans & Followers..... I'm BACK!!!!
It's been a crazy few years and so much has happened since both starting this podcast and starting this new season!
I've been really busy (#distracted) launching my own business as a Holistic Therapist, Reiki teacher, Astrologer & Life Path Coach/Mentor... as well as.... wait for it.... publishing my Three Part Book Series 'Coming Home to Me' (#shameslessplug!!) which will be available from Amazon in May 2022!! Check out https://deborahjkelly.com for links to purchase!
Many of the interviews in you will hear in this season were recorded a year or more ago. So while the content is green, and the wisdom lasts a lifetime, these interviews will be more focused on the life experience of those interviewed. In future episodes I hope to inject a little more of my own wisdom and teachings, as well as share more of what I am doing now.... maybe even do a few solo podcasts to answer questions, emails, issues or wonderings of my listeners!!
So, whatever you want to know more about - let me know!
In this season we will be covering a lot of various topics from astrology, human design, abuse, death, law of attraction, awakened business coaching and so so so much more!!!
So... sit back, relax and enjoy these coming episodes!!
Be sure to drop me some comments on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, with your feedback.
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Night in Venice, by Kevin McLeod https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5763-night-in-venice Licence CC BY 4.0 - Attribution 4.0 International https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ISRC USUAN1900056. Music provided by Incompetech/ FilmMusic. Music has been cut and edited for Intro/Outro
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