Intrepid Wisdom Podcast

S02E02 - Intuitive Parenting w/ Erica Poole

Deborah J Kelly Season 2 Episode 2

Intuitive, Natural or Positive parenting, in many ways must have its challenges. You may want your children to have as wholesome an upbringing as possible, untainted by the need to buy into the latest trends, labels, toys etc. How do you ‘monitor’ what they see, eat, drink, play with, etc. but when they go to school they make new friends? What are the challenges when your parenting style clashes or conflicts with anothers?

Erica Poole is a mother, wife and British trained osteopath living in Nova Scotia Canada. She is specializing in Pediatric and obstetric care. She loves to learn and specifically is inspired by studying childhood development and herbal medicine. She says ' A childhood is the ‘playroom’ for each healthy adult'.

In today's episode we will be discussing Intuitive and Natural Parenting! We talk about what that means in todays world, how to handle the obstacles and challenges that face every mother and how we can use this as an opportunity for personal growth.

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Night in Venice, by Kevin McLeod Licence CC BY 4.0  - Attribution 4.0 International ISRC USUAN1900056. Music provided by Incompetech/ FilmMusic. Music has been cut and edited for Intro/Outro

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